2010년 2월 23일 화요일


사용 형식 rpm -option1 [--option2] RPMNAME

1. option1

-i (설치)

-U (업그레이드 설치)

-v (진행 과정 설명을 보여줌)

-h (진행 과정을 보여줌)

-e (삭제)

-qa (설치 되어 있는 모든 RPM패키지 리스트)

-qa | grep (특정 RPM 패키지 설치여부 확인)

-qRp (의존성 관계 확인)

ex) rpm -ivh RPMNAME

     rpm -Uvh RPMNAME

2. option2

--replacepkgs (동일한 패키지가 이미 설치 되어 있을 경우 무시하고 설치)

--replacefiles (설치 하려고 하는 패키지의 파일이 이미 설치되어 있는 다른 패키지의 파일과 중복될경우 무시하고 설치)

--force (패키지 중복이 발생하거나 이미 설치되어있는 다른 패키지의 파일과 충돌 발생시 무시 하고 설치)

--nodeps (패키지 의존성 문제를 무시)

[출처] RPM 옵션들|작성자 엔젤지오

2010년 2월 17일 수요일

port 용도 검색 사이트


포트 뒤에 번호만 적음 된다.

qmail queue 대기시간 설정

많은 양의 메일이 큐에 쌓일경우 아래와 같이 설정해주시면
매번 큐를 삭제하지 않고도 주기적으로 큐 정리가 가능해집니다.

touch /var/qmail/control/queuelifetime

 echo "86400" > /var/qmail/control/queuelifetime       -> 큐 대기시간 하루

/etc/init.d/qmail reload

/var/qmail/bin/qmail-showctl  | grep life

queuelifetime: Message lifetime in the queue is 86400 seconds

messages in queue: 1
messages in queue but not yet preprocessed: 0

2010년 2월 10일 수요일

xm option


The Oracle VM Server management command-line management tool xm, creates, destroys, manages and migrates guests.

This section contains a brief explanation of some of the more common xm commands. For full documentation, use the xm help --long command.

The xm command-line tool requires the xend daemon to be started.

Enter parameters to the xm command-line tool in the format:

xm [option] [argument]

See Chapter 5, "Domain Monitoring and Administration" for examples on using the xm command-line tool.


console {domain-id}

Attaches to a domain's console.

# xm console mydomain
create [-c] {config-file [name=value ...]}

Creates a domain based on the entries in the config-file.

Entering the -c parameter attaches to the domain's console when the domain is created and started.

You can also enter name value pairs to override variables in the config-file using the name=value parameter.

# xm -c /home/myhome/myconfig
destroy {domain-id}

Immediately terminates a domain.

# xm destroy mydomain
dmesg [--clear]

Displays message buffer logs similar in format to the equivalent to the dmesg command in the Linux kernel.

The --clear parameter clears the message buffer.

help [--long] [option]

Displays help on the xm command, and its options.

The --long option displays full help on xm commands, grouped by function.

Enter a command name as an option to the xm command to get help only on that command.

# xm help --long create

Displays information about the host computer.

# xm info
list [--long | --label] [domain-id, ...]

Displays information on all the running domains.

The --long option displays full information on running domains.

Enter the domain-id as an option to the xm command to get information on only that domain, or a set of domains.

# xm list --long mydomain

Displays logs similar in format to the equivalent for the Linux kernel. The log file is located at /var/log/xend.log.

# xm log
migrate {domain-id} {host} [-l | --live] [-r=MB | --resource=MB]

Migrates a domain to another computer.

The domain-id parameter is the domain to migrate.

The host parameter is the target computer.

The --live parameter migrates the domain without shutting down the domain.

The --resource parameter sets the maximum amount of Megabytes to be used.

# xm migrate mydomain example.com --live
new [config-file] [option ...] [name-=value ...]

Adds a domain to Oracle VM Server domain management.

You can set domain creation parameters with a number of command-line options, a Python script (with the --defconfig parameter), or an SXP configuration file (the --config parameter).

You can set configuration variables with name=value pairs, for example vmid=3 sets vmid to 3.

The config-file parameter is the location of the domain configuration file.

The option parameter is one or more of the following:

[-h | --help]

Displays help on the command.


Prints the available configuration variables for the configuration script.

[-q | --quiet]



Searches the location given in path for configuration scripts. The value of path is a colon-separated directory list.

[-f=file | --defconfig=file]

Uses the given Python configuration script. The script is loaded after arguments have been processed. Each command-line option sets a configuration variable named after its long option name, and these variables are placed in the environment of the script before it is loaded. Variables for options that may be repeated have list values. Other variables can be set using name=value on the command-line. After the script is loaded, values that were not set on the command-line are replaced by the values set in the script.

[-F=file | --config=file]

Sets the domain configuration to use SXP. SXP is the underlying configuration format used by Xen. SXP configurations can be hand-written or generated from Python configuration scripts, using the --dryrun option to print the configuration.

[-n | --dryrun]

Prints the resulting configuration in SXP, but does not create the domain.

[-x | --xmldryrun]

Prints the resulting configuration in XML, but does not create the domain.

[-s | --skipdtd]

Skips DTD checking and XML checks before domain creation. This option is experimental and may slow down the creation of domains.

[-p | --paused]

Leaves the domain paused after it is created.

[-c | --console_autoconnect]

Connects to the console after the domain is created.

# xm new /home/myhome/myconfig
pause {domain-id}

Pauses the execution of a domain.

# xm pause mydomain
reboot [--all] [--wait] [domain-id]

Reboots a domain.

The --all parameter reboots all domains.

The --wait parameter waits for the domain to reboot before returning control to the console.

# xm reboot --wait mydomain
restore {statefile}

Restores a domain from a saved state.

# xm restore /home/myhome/statefile
save {domain-id} {statefile}

Saves a domain state so it can be restored at a later date.

# xm save mydomain /home/myhome/statefile
shutdown [-a] [-w] [domain-id]

Shuts down a domain gracefully.

The -a parameter shuts down all domains.

The -w parameter waits for the domain to shut down before returning control to the console.

# xm shutdown -w mydomain

Displays real time monitoring information of the host and domains.

# xm top
unpause {domain-id}

Unpauses a paused domain.

# xm unpause mydomain

virt-install option


The virt-install command-line tool creates paravirtualized guests and hardware virtualized guests. virt-install can be used as an interactive shell, or all parameters can be given at the same time. Enter multiple parameters to the virt-install command-line tool in the format:

virt-install [option ...]

This section contains a brief explanation of some of the more common virt-install options. For full documentation, use the virt-install -h command.

Chapter 4, "Creating a Guest Virtual Machine" discusses using the virt-install tool.


[-h | --help]

Displays the virt-install command parameters and their purpose.

# virt-install -h
[-nname | --name=name]

Sets the name of the guest instance.

# virt-install -nMyGuest
[-rRAM | --ram=RAM]

Sets the memory to allocate for a guest instance in Megabytes.

# virt-install --ram=256
[-uUUID | --uuid=UUID]

Sets the UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) for the guest. If none is given, a random UUID is generated.

# virt-install -u

Sets the number of virtual CPUs to configure for the guest.

# virt-install --vcpus=2
[-fdiskfile | --file=diskfile]

Sets the file to use as the disk image.

# virt-install --file=/home/myhome/myimage
[-sfilesize | --file-size=filesize]

Sets the size of the disk image (if it does not exist) in Gigabytes.

# virt-install -s2

Do not use sparse files for disks. This option may be significantly slower when creating guests.

[-mvalue | --mac=value]

Sets the fixed MAC address for the guest; if none or RANDOM is given, a random address is used.

# virt-install --mac=RANDOM
[-bvalue | --bridge=value]

Sets the bridge to connect guest NIC to. If none is given, attempts to determine the default.


Use VNC (Virtual Network Computing) for graphics support.

# virt-install --vnc

Sets the port to use for VNC connections.

# virt-install --vncport=5900

Use SDL (Simple DirectMedia Layer) for graphics support.

# virt-install --sdl

Do not use a graphical console for the guest.

# virt-install --nographics

Do not automatically connect to the guest console.

# virt-install --noautoconsole
[-kvalue | --keymap=value]

Set up keyboard mapping for the graphical console. If none is given, the keymap is automatically set to the local keymap.

# virt-install --de

Use kernel acceleration capabilities.

# virt-install --accelerate

Connect to hypervisor with URI.

# virt-install --connect=test:///default
[-v | --hvm]

Sets the guest as being a fully virtualized guest.

# virt-install -v

Sets the file to use a virtual CD-ROM device for fully a virtualized guest.


Sets the operating system type for a fully virtualized guest. Possible values are windows, unix, other, and linux.

# virt-install --os-type=windows

Sets the operating system variant for a fully virtualized guest, for example, rhel5, win2k, or vista. This parameter should be used with the os-type parameter.

The following table lists the possible values available for os-variant for each os-type option.

Possible values for os-type=windows Possible values for os-type=unix Possible values for os-type=other Possible values for os-type=linux
win2k3 solaris9 netware6 generic24
win2k solaris10 generic generic26
vista freebsd6 netware4 rhel2.1
winxp openbsd4 msdos fedora7_64
    netware5 el5_64


Not all operating system variants are supported by Oracle for use with Oracle products, but are made available for your convenience.
# virt-install --os-type=windows --os-variant=winxp

Disables APIC (Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller) for a fully virtualized guest. Overrides the value set in --os-type and --os-variant.


Sets the CPU architecture to simulate.

# virt-install --arch=x86
[-p | --paravirt]

Sets the guest as being a paravirtualized guest.

[-llocation | --location=location]

Sets the installation source for a paravirtualized guest, for example, nfs:host:/path, http://host/path, or ftp://host/path.

# virt-install -lhttp://example.com/path

Sets the virtual network interface type for hardware virtualized guests. The netfront driver is a paravirtualized driver which can be used with a paravirtualized guest, or with a hardware virtualized guest with the proper paravirtualized drivers installed. The ioemu driver is a hardware virtualized driver, and can only be used with a hardware virtualized guest. Both drivers contain the device emulation code to support hardware virtualized guests.

For hardware virtualized guests, type can be either ioemu or netfront. The default is ioemu.

You cannot use this parameter for paravirtualized guests. For paravirtualized guests, the default is netfront and cannot be changed.

# virt-install --vif-type=ioemu
[[-xargs | --extra-args=args] ...]

Any additional arguments to pass to the installer with a paravirtualized guest.

[-d | --debug]

Prints debugging information.

xm - Linux man page


xm - Xen management user interface


xm <subcommand> [args]


The xm program is the main interface for managing Xen guest domains. The program can be used to create, pause, and shutdown domains. It can also be used to list current domains, enable or pin VCPUs, and attach or detach virtual block devices.

The basic structure of every xm command is almost always:

xm <subcommand> <domain-id> [OPTIONS]
Where subcommand is one of the sub commands listed below, domain-id is the numeric domain id, or the domain name (which will be internally translated to domain id), and OPTIONS are sub command specific options. There are a few exceptions to this rule in the cases where the sub command in question acts on all domains, the entire machine, or directly on the xen hypervisor. Those exceptions will be clear for each of those sub commands.


All xm operations rely upon the Xen control daemon, aka xend. For any xm commands to run xend must also be running. For this reason you should start xend as a service when your system first boots using xen.

Most xm commands require root privileges to run due to the communications channels used to talk to the hypervisor. Running as non root will return an error.

Most xm commands act asynchronously, so just because the xm command returned, doesn't mean the action is complete. This is important, as many operations on domains, like create and shutdown, can take considerable time (30 seconds or more) to bring the machine into a fully compliant state. If you want to know when one of these actions has finished you must poll through xm list periodically.

Domain Subcommands

The following sub commands manipulate domains directly, as stated previously most commands take domain-id as the first parameter.

console domain-id
Attach to domain domain-id's console. If you've set up your Domains to have a traditional log in console this will look much like a normal text log in screen.

This uses the back end xenconsole service which currently only works for para-virtual domains.

The attached console will perform much like a standard serial console, so running curses based interfaces over the console is not advised. Vi tends to get very odd when using it over this interface.

create [-c] configfile [name=value]..
The create sub command requires a configfile and can optional take a series of name value pairs that add to or override variables defined in the config file. See xmdomain.cfg for full details of that file format, and possible options used in either the configfile or Name=Value combinations.

Configfile can either be an absolute path to a file, or a relative path to a file located in /etc/xen.

Create will return as soon as the domain is started. This does not mean the guest OS in the domain has actually booted, or is available for input.



Attache console to the domain as soon as it has started. This is useful for determining issues with crashing domains.

with config file
xm create Fedora4
This creates a domain with the file /etc/xen/Fedora4, and returns as soon as it is run.
without config file
xm create /dev/null ramdisk=initrd.img \
   kernel=/boot/vmlinuz- \
   name=ramdisk nics=0 vcpus=1 \
   memory=64 root=/dev/ram0
This creates the domain without using a config file (more specifically using /dev/null as an empty config file), kernel and ramdisk as specified, setting the name of the domain to "ramdisk", also disabling virtual networking. (This example comes from the xm-test test suite.)
destroy domain-id
Immediately terminate the domain domain-id. This doesn't give the domain OS any chance to react, and it the equivalent of ripping the power cord out on a physical machine. In most cases you will want to use the shutdown command instead.
domid domain-name
Converts a domain name to a domain id using xend's internal mapping.
domname domain-id
Converts a domain id to a domain name using xend's internal mapping.
help [--long]
Displays the short help message (i.e. common commands).

The --long option prints out the complete set of xm subcommands, grouped by function.

list [--long | --label] [domain-id, ...]
Prints information about one or more domains. If no domains are specified it prints out information about all domains.

An example format for the list is as follows:

Name                         ID Mem(MiB) VCPUs State  Time(s)
Domain-0                      0       98     1 r-----  5068.6
Fedora3                     164      128     1 r-----     7.6
Fedora4                     165      128     1 ------     0.6
Mandrake2006                166      128     1 -b----     3.6
Mandrake10.2                167      128     1 ------     2.5
Suse9.2                     168      100     1 ------     1.8
Name is the name of the domain. ID the domain numeric id. Mem is the size of the memory allocated to the domain. VCPUS is the number of VCPUS allocated to domain. State is the run state (see below). Time is the total run time of the domain as accounted for by Xen.


The State field lists 6 states for a Xen Domain, and which ones the current Domain is in.
r - running
The domain is currently running on a CPU
b - blocked
The domain is blocked, and not running or runnable. This can be caused because the domain is waiting on IO (a traditional wait state) or has gone to sleep because there was nothing else for it to do.
p - paused
The domain has been paused, usually occurring through the administrator running xm pause. When in a paused state the domain will still consume allocated resources like memory, but will not be eligible for scheduling by the Xen hypervisor.
s - shutdown
The guest has requested to be shutdown, rebooted or suspended, and the domain is in the process of being destroyed in response.
c - crashed
The domain has crashed, which is always a violent ending. Usually this state can only occur if the domain has been configured not to restart on crash. See xmdomain.cfg for more info.
d - dying
The domain is in process of dying, but hasn't completely shutdown or crashed.
If --long is specified, the output for xm list is not the table view shown above, but instead is an S-Expression representing all information known about all domains asked for. This is mostly only useful for external programs to parse the data.

Note: there is no stable guarantees on the format of this data. Use at your own risk.

If --label is specified, the security labels are added to the output of xm list and the lines are sorted by the labels (ignoring case). The --long option prints the labels by default and cannot be combined with --label. See the ACCESS CONTROL SUBCOMMAND section of this man page for more information about labels.
The Time column is deceptive. Virtual IO (network and block devices) used by Domains requires coordination by Domain0, which means that Domain0 is actually charged for much of the time that a DomainU is doing IO . Use of this time value to determine relative utilizations by domains is thus very suspect, as a high IO workload may show as less utilized than a high CPU workload. Consider yourself warned.
mem-max domain-id mem
Specify the maximum amount of memory the Domain is able to use. Mem is specified in megabytes.

The mem-max value may not correspond to the actual memory used in the Domain, as it may balloon down it's memory to give more back to the OS .

mem-set domain-id mem
Set the domain's used memory using the balloon driver. Because this operation requires cooperation from the domain operating system, there is no guarantee that it will succeed.

Warning: there is no good way to know in advance how small of a mem-set will make a domain unstable and cause it to crash. Be very careful when using this command on running domains.

migrate domain-id host [options]
Migrate a domain to another Host machine. Xend must be running on other host machine, it must be running the same version of xen, it must have the migration TCP port open and accepting connections from the source host, and there must be sufficient resources for the domain to run (memory, disk, etc).

Migration is pretty complicated, and has many security implications, please read the Xen Users Guide to ensure you understand the ramifications and limitations on migration before attempting it in production.


-l, --live
Use live migration. This will migrate the domain between hosts without shutting down the domain. See the Xen Users Guide for more information.
-r, --resource Mbs
Set maximum Mbs allowed for migrating the domain. This ensures that the network link is not saturated with migration traffic while attempting to do other useful work.
pause domain-id
Pause a domain. When in a paused state the domain will still consume allocated resources such as memory, but will not be eligible for scheduling by the Xen hypervisor.
reboot [options] domain-id
Reboot a domain. This acts just as if the domain had the reboot command run from the console. The command returns as soon as it has executed the reboot action, which may be significantly before the domain actually reboots.

The behavior of what happens to a domain when it reboots is set by the on_reboot parameter of the xmdomain.cfg file when the domain was created.


-a, --all
Reboot all domains
-w, --wait
Wait for reboot to complete before returning. This may take a while, as all services in the domain will have to be shut down cleanly.
restore state-file
Build a domain from an xm save state file. See save for more info.
save domain-id state-file
Saves a running domain to a state file so that it can be restored later. Once saved, the domain will no longer be running on the system, thus the memory allocated for the domain will be free for other domains to use. xm restore restores from this state file.

This is roughly equivalent to doing a hibernate on a running computer, with all the same limitations. Open network connections may be severed upon restore, as TCP timeouts may have expired.

shutdown [options] domain-id
Gracefully shuts down a domain. This coordinates with the domain OS to perform graceful shutdown, so there is no guarantee that it will succeed, and may take a variable length of time depending on what services must be shutdown in the domain. The command returns immediately after signally the domain unless that -w flag is used.

The behavior of what happens to a domain when it reboots is set by the on_shutdown parameter of the xmdomain.cfg file when the domain was created.



Shutdown all domains. Often used when doing a complete shutdown of a Xen system.


Wait for the domain to complete shutdown before returning.

sysrq domain-id letter
Send a Magic System Request signal to the domain. For more information on available magic sys req operations, see sysrq.txt in your Linux Kernel sources.
unpause domain-id
Moves a domain out of the paused state. This will allow a previously paused domain to now be eligible for scheduling by the Xen hypervisor.
vcpu-set domain-id vcpu-count
Enables the vcpu-count virtual CPUs for the domain in question. Like mem-set, this command can only allocate up to the maximum virtual CPU count configured at boot for the domain.

If the vcpu-count is smaller than the current number of active VCPUs, the highest number VCPUs will be hotplug removed. This may be important for pinning purposes.

Attempting to set the VCPUs to a number larger than the initially configured VCPU count is an error. Trying to set VCPUs to < 1 will be quietly ignored.

vcpu-list [domain-id]
Lists VCPU information for a specific domain. If no domain is specified, VCPU information for all domains will be provided.
vcpu-pin domain-id vcpu cpus
Pins the the VCPU to only run on the specific CPUs. The keyword all can be used to apply the cpus list to all VCPUs in the domain.

Normally VCPUs can float between available CPUs whenever Xen deems a different run state is appropriate. Pinning can be used to restrict this, by ensuring certain VCPUs can only run on certain physical CPUs.

Xen Host Subcommands

dmesg [-c]

Reads the Xen message buffer, similar to dmesg on a Linux system. The buffer contains informational, warning, and error messages created during Xen's boot process. If you are having problems with Xen, this is one of the first places to look as part of problem determination.


-c, --clear
Clears Xen's message buffer.
Print information about the Xen host in name : value format. When reporting a Xen bug, please provide this information as part of the bug report.

Sample xen domain info looks as follows (lines wrapped manually to make the man page more readable):

host                   : talon
release                :
version                : #1 Mon Nov 14 14:26:26 EST 2005
machine                : i686
nr_cpus                : 2
nr_nodes               : 1
sockets_per_node       : 2
cores_per_socket       : 1
threads_per_core       : 1
cpu_mhz                : 696
hw_caps                : 0383fbff:00000000:00000000:00000040
total_memory           : 767
free_memory            : 37
xen_major              : 3
xen_minor              : 0
xen_extra              : -devel
xen_caps               : xen-3.0-x86_32
xen_pagesize           : 4096
platform_params        : virt_start=0xfc000000
xen_changeset          : Mon Nov 14 18:13:38 2005 +0100
cc_compiler            : gcc version 3.4.3 (Mandrakelinux
                         10.2 3.4.3-7mdk)
cc_compile_by          : sdague
cc_compile_domain      : (none)
cc_compile_date        : Mon Nov 14 14:16:48 EST 2005
xend_config_format     : 2
Not all fields will be explained here, but some of the less obvious ones deserve explanation:
A vector showing what hardware capabilities are supported by your processor. This is equivalent to, though more cryptic, the flags field in /proc/cpuinfo on a normal Linux machine.
Available memory (in MB ) not allocated to Xen, or any other Domains.
The xen version, architecture. Architecture values can be one of: x86_32, x86_32p (i.e. PAE enabled), x86_64, ia64.
The xen mercurial changeset id. Very useful for determining exactly what version of code your Xen system was built from.

Print out the xend log. This log file can be found in /var/log/xend.log.


Executes the xentop command, which provides real time monitoring of domains. Xentop is a curses interface, and reasonably self explanatory.

Virtual Device Commands

Most virtual devices can be added and removed while guests are running. The effect to the guest OS is much the same as any hotplug event.


block-attach domain-id be-dev fe-dev mode [bedomain-id]
Create a new virtual block device. This will trigger a hotplug event for the guest.


The domain id of the guest domain that the device will be attached to.
The device in the backend domain (usually domain 0) to be exported. This can be specified as a physical partition (phy:sda7) or as a file mounted as loopback (file://path/to/loop.iso).
How the device should be presented to the guest domain. It can be specified as either a symbolic name, such as /dev/hdc, for common devices, or by device id, such as 0x1400 (/dev/hdc device id in hex).
The access mode for the device from the guest domain. Supported modes are w (read/write) or r (read-only).
The back end domain hosting the device. This defaults to domain 0.
Mount an ISO as a Disk
xm block-attach guestdomain file://path/to/dsl-2.0RC2.iso /dev/hdc ro

This will mount the dsl iso as /dev/hdc in the guestdomain as a read only device. This will probably not be detected as a cdrom by the guest, but mounting /dev/hdc manually will work.

block-detach domain-id devid
Destroy a domain's virtual block device. devid must be the device id given to the device by domain 0. You will need to run xm block-list to determine that number.
block-list [-l|--long] domain-id
List virtual block devices for a domain. The returned output is formatted as a list or as an S-Expression if the '--long' option was given.
network-attach domain-id [script=scriptname] [ip=ipaddr] [mac=macaddr] [bridge=bridge-name] [backend=bedomain-id]
Creates a new network device in the domain specified by domain-id. It takes the following optional options:


Use the specified script name to bring up the network. Defaults to the default setting in xend-config.sxp for vif-script.
Passes the specified IP Address to the adapter on creation.
The MAC address that the domain will see on its Ethernet device. If the device is not specified it will be randomly generated with the 00:16:3e vendor id prefix.
The name of the bridge to attach the vif to, in case you have more than one. This defaults to
The backend domain id. By default this is domain 0.
network-detach domain-id devid
Removes the network device from the domain specified by domain-id. devid is the virtual interface device number within the domain (i.e. the 3 in vif22.3).
network-list [-l|--long] domain-id
List virtual network interfaces for a domain. The returned output is formatted as a list or as an S-Expression if the '--long' option was given.
vtpm-list [-l|--long] domain-id
Show the virtual TPM device for a domain. The returned output is formatted as a list or as an S-Expression if the '--long' option was given.

Access Control Subcommands

Access Control in Xen consists of two components: (i) The Access Control Policy ( ACP ) defines security labels and access rules based on these labels. (ii) The Access Control Module ( ACM ) makes access control decisions by interpreting the policy when domains require to communicate or to access resources. The Xen access control has sufficient mechanisms in place to enforce the access decisions even against maliciously acting user domains (mandatory access control).

Access rights for domains in Xen are determined by the domain security label only and not based on the domain Name or ID . The ACP specifies security labels that can then be assigned to domains and resources. Every domain must be assigned exactly one security label, otherwise access control decisions could become indeterministic. ACPs are distinguished by their name, which is a parameter to most of the subcommands described below. Currently, the ACP specifies two ways to interpret labels:

(1) Simple Type Enforcement: Labels are interpreted to decide access of domains to comunication means and virtual or physical resources. Communication between domains as well as access to resources are forbidden by default and can only take place if they are explicitly allowed by the security policy. The proper assignment of labels to domains controls the sharing of information (directly through communication or indirectly through shared resources) between domains. This interpretation allows to control the overt (intended) communication channels in Xen.

(2) Chinese Wall: Labels are interpreted to decide which domains can co-exist (be run simultaneously) on the same system. This interpretation allows to prevent direct covert (unintended) channels and mitigates risks caused by imperfect core domain isolation (trade-off between security and other system requirements). For a short introduction to covert channels, please refer to http://www.multicians.org/timing-chn.html.

The following subcommands help you to manage security policies in Xen and to assign security labels to domains. To enable access control security in Xen, you must compile Xen with ACM support enabled as described under "Configuring Security" below. There, you will find also examples of each subcommand described here.

makepolicy policy
Compiles the XML source representation of the security policy. It creates a mapping (.map) as well as a binary (.bin) version of the policy. The compiled policy can be loaded into Xen with the loadpolicy subcommand or can be configured to be loaded at boot time with the cfgbootpolicy subcommand.
policy is a dot-separated list of names. The last part is the file name pre-fix for the policy xml file. The preceding name parts are translated into the local path pointing to the policy xml file relative to the global policy root directory (/etc/xen/acm-security/policies). For example, example.chwall_ste.client_v1 denotes the policy file example/chwall_ste/client_v1-security_policy.xml relative to the global policy root directory.
loadpolicy policy
Loads the binary representation of the policy into Xen. The binary representation can be created with the makepolicy subcommand.
cfgbootpolicy policy [kernelversion]
Configures policy as the boot policy for Xen. It copies the binary policy representation into the /boot directory and adds a module line specifying the binary policy to the /boot/grub/menu.lst file. If your boot configuration includes multiple Xen boot titles, then use the kernelversion parameter to select the proper title.
Prints the current security policy state information of Xen.
labels [policy] [type=dom|res|any]
Lists all labels of a type (domain, resource, or both) that are defined in the policy. Unless specified, the default policy is the currently enforced access control policy. The default for type is 'dom'. The labels are arranged in alphabetical order.
addlabel label dom configfile [policy]
addlabel label res resource [policy]
Adds the security label with name label to a domain configfile (dom) or to the global resource label file for the given resource (res). Unless specified, the default policy is the currently enforced access control policy. This subcommand also verifies that the policy definition supports the specified label name.
rmlabel dom configfile
rmlabel res resource
Works the same as the addlabel command (above), except that this command will remove the label from the domain configfile (dom) or the global resource label file (res).
getlabel dom configfile
getlabel res resource
Shows the label for the given configfile or resource
Lists all resources in the global resource label file. Each resource is listed with its associated label and policy name.
dry-run configfile
Determines if the specified configfile describes a domain with a valid security configuration for type enforcement. The test shows the policy decision made for each resource label against the domain label as well as the overall decision.
In xen_source_dir/Config.mk set the following parameters:
Then recompile and install xen and the security tools and then reboot:
cd xen_source_dir/xen; make clean; make; cp xen.gz /boot;
cd xen_source_dir/tools/security; make install;
reboot into xen
This step creates client_v1.map and client_v1.bin files in /etc/xen/acm-security/policies/example/chwall_ste.
xm makepolicy example.chwall_ste.client_v1
This step activates client_v1.bin as new security policy in Xen. You can use the dumppolicy subcommand before and afterwards to see the change in the Xen policy state.
xm loadpolicy example.chwall_ste.client_v1
This configures the boot loader to load client_v1.bin at boot time. During system start, the ACM configures Xen with this policy and Xen enforces this policy from then on.
xm cfgbootpolicy example.chwall_ste.client_v1
This subcommand shows all labels that are defined and which can be attached to domains.
xm labels example.chwall_ste.client_v1 type=dom
will print for our example policy:
The addlabel subcommand can attach a security label to a domain configuration file, here a HomeBanking label. The example policy ensures that this domain does not share information with other non-hombanking user domains (i.e., domains labeled as dom_Fun or dom_Boinc) and that it will not run simultaneously with domains labeled as dom_Fun.

We assume that the specified myconfig.xm configuration file actually instantiates a domain that runs workloads related to home-banking, probably just a browser environment for online-banking.

xm addlabel dom_HomeBanking dom myconfig.xm
The very simple configuration file might now look as printed below. The addlabel subcommand added the access_control entry at the end of the file, consisting of a label name and the policy that specifies this label name:
kernel = "/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.16-xen"
memory = 164
name = "homebanking"
vif = [ '' ]
dhcp = "dhcp"
access_control = ['policy=example.chwall_ste.client_v1,
Security labels must be assigned to domain configurations because these labels are essential for making access control decisions as early as during the configuration phase of a newly instantiated domain. Consequently, a security-enabled Xen hypervisor will only start domains that have a security label configured and whose security label is consistent with the currently enforced policy. Otherwise, starting the domain will fail with the error condition "operation not permitted".
The addlabel subcommand can also be used to attach a security label to a resource. Following the home banking example from above, we can label a disk resource (e.g., a physical partition or a file) to make it accessible to the home banking domain. The example policy provides a resource label, res_LogicalDiskPartition1(hda1), that is compatible with the HomeBanking domain label.
xm addlabel "res_LogicalDiskPartition1(hda1)" res phy:hda6
After labeling this disk resource, it can be attached to the domain by adding a line to the domain configuration file. The line below attaches this disk to the domain at boot time.
disk = [ 'phy:hda6,sda2,w' ]
Alternatively, the resource can be attached after booting the domain by using the block-attach subcommand.
xm block-attach homebanking phy:hda6 sda2 w
Note that labeled resources cannot be used when security is turned off. Any attempt to use labeled resources with security turned off will result in a failure with a corresponding error message. The solution is to enable security or, if security is no longer desired, to remove the resource label using the rmlabel subcommand.
xm create myconfig.xm

xm list --label

  Name         ID ...  Time(s)  Label
  homebanking  23 ...      4.4  dom_HomeBanking
  Domain-0      0 ...   2658.8  dom_SystemManagement
xm resources

      policy: example.chwall_ste.client_v1
      label:  res_LogicalDiskPartition1(hda1)
      policy: example.chwall_ste.client_v1
      label:  res_LogicalDiskPartition2(hda2)
We distinguish three representations of the Xen access control policy: the source XML version, its binary counterpart, and a mapping representation that enables the tools to deterministically translate back and forth between label names of the XML policy and label identifiers of the binary policy. All three versions must be kept consistent to achieve predictable security guarantees.

The XML version is the version that users are supposed to create or change, either by manually editing the XML file or by using the Xen policy generation tool (xensec_gen). After changing the XML file, run the makepolicy subcommand to ensure that these changes are reflected in the other versions. Use, for example, the subcommand cfgbootpolicy to activate the changes during the next system reboot.

The binary version of the policy is derived from the XML policy by tokenizing the specified labels and is used inside Xen only. It is created with the makepolicy subcommand. Essentially, the binary version is much more compact than the XML version and is easier to evaluate during access control decisions.

The mapping version of the policy is created during the XML-to-binary policy translation (makepolicy) and is used by the Xen management tools to translate between label names used as input to the tools and their binary identifiers (ssidrefs) used inside Xen.


See Also

xmdomain.cfg(5), xentop(1)


Sean Dague <sean at dague dot net>
Daniel Stekloff <dsteklof at us dot ibm dot com>
Reiner Sailer <sailer at us dot ibm dot com>


Debian wiki에 있는 Xen문서


  1. Xen Overview
  2. Compatibility
  3. Installation on lenny
    1. Dom0 (host)
    2. DomU (guest)
    3. Additional note for domU on lenny using xen-tools
  4. Installation on etch
    1. Dom0 (host)
    2. DomU (guests)
  5. Xen on Unstable/Sid
  6. Using Debian-Installer
  7. Package maintenance
  8. Common Errors
    1. dom0 automatic reboots
    2. Error "Device ... (vif) could not be connected"
    3. error: CDROM boot failure
    4. 4gb seg fixup errors
    5. No login prompt when using `xm console`
    6. 'clocksource/0: Time went backwards'
    7. "Error: Bootloader isn't executable"
    8. "ERROR (XendCheckpoint:144) Save failed on domain mydomu32 (X)."
  9. PV drivers on HVM guest
  10. Resources

Xen Overview

Modern computers are sufficiently powerful to use virtualization to present the illusion of many smaller virtual machines (VMs), each running a separate operating system instance. Successful partitioning of a machine to support the concurrent execution of multiple operating systems poses several challenges. Firstly, virtual machines must be isolated from one another: it is not acceptable for the execution of one to adversely affect the performance of another. This is particularly true when virtual machines are owned by mutually untrusting users. Secondly, it is necessary to support a variety of different operating systems to accommodate the heterogeneity of popular applications. Thirdly, the performance overhead introduced by virtualization should be small.

Xen is a virtual machine monitor for x86 that supports execution of multiple guest operating systems with unprecedented levels of performance and resource isolation. Xen is Open Source software, released under the terms of the GNU General Public License. We have a fully functional ports of Linux 2.6 running over Xen, and regularly use it for running demanding applications like MySQL, Apache and PostgreSQL. Any Linux distribution (RedHat, SuSE, Debian, Mandrake) should run unmodified over the ported OS.

In addition to Linux, members of Xen's user community have contributed or are working on ports to other operating systems such as NetBSD (Christian Limpach), FreeBSD (Kip Macy) and Plan 9 (Ron Minnich).

It is also possible to run some other, not ported, operating systems if your CPU has hardware virtualization support (VT or Pacifica).


  • dom0 works on kernels 2.6.18 from Etch and 2.6.26 from Lenny, but not with kernel 2.6.24 from Etch-n-half;
  • domU should work with all kernels (2.6.18 and 2.6.24 from Etch and 2.6.26 from Lenny);
  • a Lenny dom0 on amd64 can run any domU (Etch or Lenny, i386 or amd64);
  • a Lenny dom0 on i386 can, or should be able to, run any 32-bit domU (Etch or Lenny).
  • an Etch dom0 (2.6.18-*-xen) can only run 32-bit domU when it's i386 itself, a 64-bit Etch dom0 (using the amd64 kernel) can run a 64-bits domU and also a 32-bit domU, but only when using the amd64-kernel and a 32-bit userland!

Installation on lenny

Dom0 (host)

Quite the same way as Etch. The kernel is 2.6.26, the -xen variant contains patches from SuSE for dom0 support.

The xen-linux-system packages of interest are (Install the correct one for your architecture):

Serial console access

To get output from grub, XEN, the kernel and getty (login prompt) via both vga and serial console to work, here's an example of the right settings when using Lenny kernels and Xen 3.2:

In /boot/grub/menu.lst:

serial --unit=0 --speed=9600 --word=8 --parity=no --stop=1
terminal --timeout=5 serial console
title           Xen 3.2-1-amd64 / Debian GNU/Linux, kernel 2.6.26-2-xen-amd64
root            (hd0,0)
kernel          /boot/xen-3.2-1-amd64.gz com1=9600,8n1 console=com1,vga
module          /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.26-2-xen-amd64 root=/dev/md0 ro console=tty0 console=hvc0
module          /boot/initrd.img-2.6.26-2-xen-amd64

In contrast to the Etch configuration, there's no ttyS0 in the vmlinuz line!

In /etc/inittab you need at least these lines:

1:2345:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 hvc0
2:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty1
# NO getty on ttyS0!

The tty1 will show up at the vga output, and the hvc0 will show up at the serial console.

DomU (guest)

The Lenny Debian Installer fully supports installation of 32 bit guests under Xen using the netboot/xen variant. Images are available on any Debian mirror in the installer directory and contain a kernel, installer ramdisk and an example Xen configuration file. To install, fetch the xm-debian.cfg configuration file, edit to suit your tastes, and start the guest with the install=true option plus an optional (but strongly recommended) install-mirror=ftp://ftp.XX.debian.org/debian.

xm create -c xm-debian.cfg install=true install-mirror=ftp://ftp.XX.debian.org/debian

Newer images are also available from the daily builds. After grabbing the xm-debian.cfg configuration file and editing it to suit your tastes, start the guest with an additional install-installer=http://people.debian.org/~joeyh/d-i/images/daily/ to manually direct it to the daily builds:

WARNING, if you do not change the hard disks option on xm-debian.cfg this WILL overwrite your dom0 instead of installing to your domU. YOUR MACHINE WILL BE DESTROYED.

xm create -c xm-debian.cfg install=true \
  install-mirror=ftp://ftp.XX.debian.org/debian \

See the comments in the configuration file for additional installation options.

Another way of creating a lenny domu is the following:

xen-create-image --hostname=vanila --size=8Gb --dist=lenny --memory=512M --ide --dhcp

Please note that the --dir option may be required, and it specified the directory where it will store your disk images. If you wish to specify a fixed ip address, use the --ip xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx instead of --dhcp option.

Once the guest is installed simply boot it using:

xm create -c xm-debian.cfg

Lenny only includes 32 bit (PAE) kernel support which means there is no installer support for 64 bit guests. You can continue to use the Etch kernels or obtain a newer upstream kernel which supports 64 bit operation (2.6.27+).

In addition to installing via Debian Installer xen-tools can also create a Lenny domU as described in the Etch section above.

The default Lenny kernel is the newer paravirt_ops version (2.6.26), which does not function as a dom0 (except for the -xen variants, which have dom0 support but also some issues running as domU (please clarify?). It will also not support PCI passthrough in a domU. For PCI passthrough, you have to run the 2.6.18 etch kernel as both dom0 and domU.

In Lenny the distinction between the Xen and non-Xen flavours of the kernel (with respect to domU support) is no longer present. The Debian Installer will install the -686-bigmem flavour.

Additional note for domU on lenny using xen-tools

xen-tools don't use hvc0 as the console device in /etc/inittab and don't install udev (leading to /dev/pts missing in domU).

This makes logging in via xm console and via ssh impossible, because getty doesn't have a proper console to attach to and ssh can't attach to a pseudo terminal.

To fix this,

1. add to /etc/xen-tools/xen-tools.conf:

serial_device = hvc0

2. and make domU with:

xen-create-image --hostname HOSTNAME (more options...) --role udev

Installation on etch

Upstream documentation can be found in the xen-docs-3.0 package (in /usr/share/doc/xen-docs-3.0/user.pdf.gz). It's also available online.

Dom0 (host)

  • Choose and install a xen-linux-system-KERNELVERSION package. This installs the kernel, a hypervisor and matching utilities.

  • On i386, install libc6-xen. This means that you don't have to delete /lib/tls or move it out of the way, as suggested by most Xen guides.

  • Use Grub as bootloader (since Lilo and Xen don't play well with one another)
  • You probably want to configure /etc/xen/xend-config.sxp (especially the network-script scheme).

The xen-linux-system packages of interest are (Install the correct one for your architecture):

If you need to apply some modifications to the kernel with the xen patch, then one way to do it is described DebianKernelCustomCompilation.

Serial console access

To get output from grub, XEN, the kernel and getty (login prompt) via both vga and serial console to work, here's an example of the right settings when using etch kernels and Xen 3.0.3:

In /boot/grub/menu.lst:

serial --unit=0 --speed=9600 --word=8 --parity=no --stop=1
terminal --timeout=5 serial console
title           Xen 3.0.3-1-i386-pae / Debian GNU/Linux, kernel 2.6.18-6-xen-686
root            (hd0,0)
kernel          /boot/xen-3.0.3-1-i386-pae.gz com1=9600,8n1 console=com1,vga
module          /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.18-6-xen-686 root=/dev/md0 ro console=tty0 console=ttyS0,9600n8
module          /boot/initrd.img-2.6.18-6-xen-686

In /etc/inittab you need at least these lines:

1:2345:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty1
T0:23:respawn:/sbin/getty -L ttyS0 9600 vt100

DomU (guests)

The easiest way to create a domU is to use xen-tools (and, if this doesn't do what you need, Steve Kemp is keen and fast in implementing useful suggestions).

If you do not wish to use xen-tools, you could use this alternative guide, to setup the system using debootstrap.

Xen boots domUs using kernels stored on dom0, so you only need to install the corresponding linux-modules package in the domU. Alternatively, you can use PyGrub to boot kernels on the domU filesystem.

On i386, make sure you install libc6-xen.

If you install lenny domU on etch dom0, make sure you read this entry on XenFaq when you see messages on the console like 4gb seg fixup, process klogd (pid 2075), cs:ip 73:b7e25870. After applying the echo 'hwcap 0 nosegneg' > /etc/ld.so.conf.d/libc6-xen.conf && ldconfig, in the dom0 system, reboot, or, if you don't like rebooting (which requires you to stop domU's), restart all processes mentioned in the log messages (e.g. /etc/init.d/ssh restart, init q, etc..)

Xen on Unstable/Sid

There are three options:

Using Debian-Installer

The page DebianInstaller/Xen contains instructions on how to install Xen Dom0 and Etch DomU with DebianInstaller.See above for details of installing Lenny using Debian Installer.

Package maintenance

Debian's Xen packages are maintained by the pkg-xen project. (developpers' mailing list)

The Debian Developer's Package Overview page lists source packages that are maintained by the team.

Common Errors

dom0 automatic reboots

  • {i} Note: if Xen is crashing and reboot automatically, you may want to use noreboot xen option, to prevent it from rebooting automatically. Grub example :

    title           Xen 3.1-1-i386 / Debian GNU/Linux, kernel 2.6.18-6-xen-686
    root            (hd0,0)
    kernel          /xen-3.1-1-i386.gz noreboot
    module          /vmlinuz-2.6.18-6-xen-686 root=/dev/foo ro console=tty0
    module          /initrd.img-2.6.18-6-xen-686

Error "Device ... (vif) could not be connected"

You need to configure some basic networking between dom0 and domU. Edit /etc/xen/xend-config.sxp

#(network-script network-dummy)
(network-script network-bridge)

for a basic bridge networking, and restart xend.

error: CDROM boot failure

You get the error :

  • CDROM boot failure code 0002
    or CDROM boot failure code 0003
    Boot from cd-Rom failed
    Fatal: Could not read the boot disk.

That's because Xen can't boot from a cdrom iso image at the moment. i.e you can't have tap:aio:/path/to/mycd.iso,hdc:cdrom,r or file:/path/to/mycd.iso,hdc:cdrom,r.

Workaround: use losetup to create a loopback device for the cdrom ISO image, then use it in Xen configuration file. for example :

  • #First, check which loop device is free
    $losetup -f
    #Then create a loopback device
    $losetup -f /path/to/mycd.iso
    losetup /dev/loop9
    /dev/loop9: [fe04]:3096598 (/path/to/mycd.iso)

Now you can use /dev/loop9 in xen configuration file (/etc/xen/foobar.cfg) :

  • ...
    disk = [ 'phy:/dev/vg1/xpsp3,ioemu:hda,w', 'phy:/dev/loop/0,ioemu:hdc:cdrom,r' ]

then boot/install the guest OS.

note: yo should switch back to the tap:aio:/path/to/mycd.iso,hdc:cdrom,r syntax after installation, since loop back have to be recreated after you reboot the host system.

4gb seg fixup errors


echo 'hwcap 0 nosegneg' > /etc/ld.so.conf.d/libc6-xen.conf && ldconfig

Read this XenFaq entry for more info.

No login prompt when using `xm console`

Using a lenny domU, make sure you have hvc0 listed in inittab, like 1:2345:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 hvc0. There happened to be a lot of changes of default console unit used by Xen (tty1, xvc0, hvc0 etc) but for a Lenny domU (version > 2.6.26-9) it's hvc0.

'clocksource/0: Time went backwards'

If a domU crashes or freezes while uttering the famous lasts words 'clocksource/0: Time went backwards', your domU is likely using the xen clocksource instead of its own clock ticks. In practice, this seems to be the cause of infrequent lockups under load (and/or problems with suspending). A workaround is to decouple the clock in the domU from the dom0:

In your dom0 and domU /etc/sysctl.conf add the line: xen.independent_wallclock=1. On the dom0, edit the configuration file of the domU (e.g. /etc/xen/foobar.cfg and add (or expand) the extra-line: extra="clocksource=jiffies".

These settings can be activated without rebooting the domU. After editing the configuration files, issue sysctl -p and echo "jiffies"> /sys/devices/system/clocksource/clocksource0/current_clocksource on the domU prompt.

Because the clock won't be relying on the dom0 clock anymore, you probably need to use ntp on the domU to synchronize it properly to the world.

"Error: Bootloader isn't executable"

The above, rather cryptic, error (when starting a domU using xen-utils/xm create) is due to xen-utils not being able to find PyGrub. Modify your xm-debian.cfg config file to use the absolute directory (ie. bootloader="/usr/lib/xen-3.2-1/bin/pygrub" instead of bootloader="pygrub") and your domU should boot up fine.

"ERROR (XendCheckpoint:144) Save failed on domain mydomu32 (X)."

xm save/migration of a 32-Bit domU on a 64-Bit dom0 fails. It seems this is not supported with linux-image-2.6.26-2-xen-amd64 (http://readlist.com/lists/lists.xensource.com/xen-users/4/24225.html). One workaround is to use a 64-Bit Hypervisor with a 32-Bit dom0 (http://lists.xensource.com/archives/html/xen-users/2008-12/msg00404.html). See also 526695

PV drivers on HVM guest

It may be possible to build the PV drivers for use on HVM guests. These drivers are called unmodified_drivers and are part of the xen-unstable.hg repository. You can fetch the repository using mercurial thus:

  •   hg clone http://xenbits.xen.org/xen-unstable.hg

The drivers reside under xen-unstable.hg/unmodified_drivers/linux-2.6. The README in this directory gives compilation instructions.



Xen - xm 명령어

Creating and Managing Domains with xm

You can use the xm application to create and manage domains.


Connecting to a Domain

You can use xm to connect to a domain or virtual machine:

xm console domain-id

This causes the console to attach to the domain-id's text console.


Creating a Domain

You can use xm to make a domain:

xm create domain001 [-c]

This creates a domain named domain001 with the file residing in the /etc/xen/ directory. The [-c]option aids with troubleshooting by allowing you to connect to the text console.


Saving a Domain

You can use xm to save a domain:

xm save [domain-id] [statefile]


Terminating a Domain ID

You can use xm to terminate a domain-id:

xm destroy [domain-id]

This instantly terminates the domain-id. If you prefer another method of safely terminating your session, you can use the shutdown parameter instead.


Shutting Down a Domain

You can use xm to shut down any domain:

xm shutdown [domain-id] [ -a | -w ]

The [ -a] option shuts down all domains on your system. The [-w] option waits for a domain to completely shut down.


Restoring a Domain

You can use xm to restore a previously saved domain.

xm restore [state-file]


Suspending a Domain

You can use xm to suspend a domain:

xm suspend [domain-id]


Resuming a Domain

You can use xm to resume a previously suspended session:

xm resume [domain-id]


Rebooting a Domain

You can use xm to reboot a domain:

xm reboot [domain-id] [ -a | -w ]

The [ -a] option reboots all domains on your system. The [-w]option waits for a domain to completely reboot. You can control the behavior of the rebooting domain by modifying the on_boot parameter of the xmdomain.cfg file.


Renaming a Domain

You can use xm to assign a new name to an existing domain:

xm rename [domain-name] [new domain-name]

Domain renaming will keep the same settings (same hard disk, same memory, etc.).


Pausing a Domain

You can use xm to pause a domain:

xm pause [domain-id]


Unpausing a Domain

You can use xm to unpause a domain:

xm unpause [domain-id]

This makes the domain available for scheduling by a hypervisor.


Converting a Domain Name to Domain ID

You can use xm to convert a domain name to a domain ID:

xm domid [domain-name]


Converting a Domain ID to Domain Name

You can use xm to convert a domain ID to a domain name:

xm domname [domain-id] 


Configuring Memory Allocation

You can use xm to modify a domain's memory allocation:

xm mem-set [domain-id] [count] 



You cannot grow a domain's memory beyond the maximum amount you specified when you first created the domain.


Configuring Maximum Memory

You can use xm to modify a domain's maximum memory:


xm mem-max [domain-id] [count]

You must specify the [count] in megabytes.


Configuring VCPU Count

You can use xm to modify a domain's VCPU count:


xm vcpu-set [domain-id] [count] 

You must specify the [count] in megabytes.



You cannot grow a domain's memory beyond the maximum amount you specified when you first created the domain.


Pinning a VCPU

You can use xm to pin a VCPU:


xm vcpu-pin [domain-id] [vcpu] [cpus]

Where [vcpu] is the VCPU that you want to attach to, and [cpus] is the target. Pinning ensures that certain VCPUs can only run on certain CPUs.


Migrating a Domain

You can use xm to migrate a domain:


xm migrate [domain-id] [host] [options]

Where [domain-id] is the domain you want to migrate, and [host] is the target. The [options] include ——live (or -l) for a live migration, or ——resource (or -r) to specify maximum speed of the migration (in Mbs).

To ensure a successful migration, you must ensure that the xend daemon is running on all hosts domains. All hosts must also be running Red Hat RHEL 5.0+ and have migration TCP ports open to accept connections from the source hosts.


Monitoring and Diagnostics


Performing a Core Dump

You can use xm to perform a memory dump of an existing virtual machine.


xm dump-core [-C] [domain-id]

This command dumps the virtual machine's memory to the xendump file located in the /var/xen/dump/ directory. You can terminate the virtual machine by including the -C option.


Monitoring Domains in Real Time

You can use xm to monitor domains and hosts in real time:


xm top [domain-id]


Displaying Domain States

You can use xm to display the domain activity states of one or more domains:


xm list [domain-id] [ ——long  |  ——label]

You can specify a specific domain(s) by name (s). The [——long] option provides a more detailed breakdown of the domain you specified. The [——label] domain adds an additional column that displays label status. The outputs displays:

Name                ID           Mem(MiB)       VCPUs       State      Time      Label


Domain0            0                  927                8              r——————   204.9   INACTIVE                                            

Domain202        1                  927                8            s——————     205.0/command ACTIVE                                                                      

DomainQ/A       2                  927            8              b——————      INACTIVE

Domain9600      3                  927                8              c——————      205.1 ACTIVE

Here are the six domain states per VCPU:




lists domains currently active on a CPU


lists domains that are blocked (a domain becomes blocked when the vcpu is awaiting for an external event to happen)


lists domains that are suspended


lists domains that are in process of shutting down


lists domains that are completely down.


lists domains that are crashed


lists domains that are inactive instances


lists domains that are both active and inactive vcpu instances

Table The Domain States

문서 출처 : http://www.wideopen.com/docs/manuals/enterprise/RHEL-5-manual/Virtualization-en-US/task-virt-xm-monitoring-diag.html