2010년 3월 11일 목요일

Freepbx에서 설정 저장시 retrieve_conf 권한문제

ASTERISK 때문에 freepbx를 보고 있는 중이다.

첨에 vm 에서 zaptel이 문제더니 이젠 설정 저장이 에러가 나네 . 젝일슨


팝업이 뜨면서

exit: 126
sh: /var/lib/asterisk/bin/retrieve_conf: Permission denied


위와같은 메세지가 뜨더라.. 그러면서 asterisk도 제대로 freepbx에서 실행이 안되는걸로 보이구


구글을 좀 뒤져봐뜨만... 이런게 있어서 해보았음

(링크 : http://www.freepbx.com/forum/freepbx/installation/error-when-running-retrieve-conf)


주욱 댓글들을 내려보면


아래글이 적혀 있는 댓글이 있을것이다.


After A fresh install of FreePBX on CentOS 5.4 I accidentally forgot to disable SELINUX. After 20 min of double checking config files and reseting file permissions the FreePBX was still unable to connect. Then I checked my SELINUX settings and sure enough it was enabled. This would explain why FreePBX was unable to access the config file.

So in conclusion, try the following if FreePBX is not connecting to asterisk

1. Make Sure SELINUX is disabled (SELINUX=DISABLED in /etc/selinux/config) reboot after changing.
2. Make Sure all file permissions are set correctly (run the "amportal chown" command)
3. Check your /etc/hosts file and make sure that localhost is part of the definition ( localhost)

Hope this helps!




잘되네... ㅋ


구글 고마워요~

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